Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Retirement encourages disasters

My truck is in the shop getting repairs on some little dents and a rear view mirror that was unexplicably removed last christmas. So, as a result, I'm driving Mean Green- my dad's 4-door F250 diesel extended cab with a topper that's so big that I can't go through some car washes. Well, this morning after class I went to my parents house to bum around until my next class. Mean Green has a winch on the front of the truck that makes the truck about 2 feet longer but you can't see it from the cab so if you're not experienced in driving this tank-beast you may not realize that its that far out. So was the case this morning when I crashed into my parents garage- winch first. You'd expected my dad to throw a fit and curse and make me fix it and/or pay for it. No. That didn't happen. He looked almost happy about it. Like, now he actually has something to do with his day other than play freecell, workout or take 3 hour lunches since he's basically retired. Granted, I didn't bombard through the garage, it was only a chunk a few inches large out of it. But still, you'd expect a small fit. He was almost relieved to have an excuse to have something to dink around with. Man, does he need a good hobby. Maybe I'll teach him to latch hook.

Jorge Il Curioso y el cocinero de tortitas de plátano

I was playing around on Yahoo music site and found this little gem! It's the video for Jack Johnson's new song "Upside Down" that's on his new album that comes out Feb. 7 (Whoo-hoo!!!). I LOVE THIS! Not only does it have fabulous Jack but it has warmly quirky Jorge Il Curioso from the new movie! Double treat! Enjoy!

Monday, January 23, 2006

This Weekend's Boyfriend

Meet Kevin, or as we lovingly call "Big Circle" (make your own assumptions). He was our special boyfriend of the weekend. Big Circle enjoys drinking copious amounts of beer, slapping our asses and helping his wife pawn off their sons on us. Big Circle was one of the many attendees of Ashley's birthday party this weekend, also known as "Festival of Ass Crack 2006"

I need to change the title of my blog to
"The Dumb Redneck Shit We Did This Weekend".

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Hooker D's "What's Worse?"

Something in class today made me start thinking about "What's worse?" situations. These are a few I've come up with. Let me know what you think is worse.

What's Worse?:

Waking up next to someone you don't know or waking up alone?

Getting caught picking your nose or having a "Flapper" all day without knowing it?

Super expensive drinks and cute guys at a bar or super cheap drinks and sub-par guys?

Dating a friend's ex or dating an ex's friend?

A gorgeous face or a great body?

Getting nothing for your birthday but having fun or getting things you hate and have to pretend to like?

Having diarrhea or constant vomiting?

Spending Christmas in jail or in the hospital?

Being forced to listen to Weird Al or to Carrot Top?

Having a nice dog that pees in the house or having a mean dog that's potty trained?

Being known for something scandalous or being completely unknown?

Having no friends or having no memory?

Having no parents or your parents being in jail?

Golden girls reruns or Full House reruns?

Having ugly children or being really poor?

Having a boyfriend that's completely in love with you that you could care less about or being completely in love with someone that is only a friend?

Finding the perfect dress, shoes, whatever, but there's a major flaw in it or having a ton of money and finding crap?

Having a fat ass or a fat stomach?

Having a great education or being blissfully ignorant?

Married parents that truly hate each other or having a step-parent that hates you?

Telling that person how you feel about them or the safety and self-preservation of hiding it?

Sleeping in a smoky room or sleeping in the cold?

Working an extra shift for someone who really needs it or having a much needed day off?

Think about 'em and let me know.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Line dancing classes

Tonight Avs and I are going to our first ever line dancing classes at the Eagles Club on Singing Hills. Soon we'll be boot-scootin' with the rest of the hip old folks at Fatty'z backside. Whooo-hooo!

Untapped Resources and a Stellar Concert

I've been pretty delinquent about blogging lately mostly because the internet is down in my apartment and I'd have to go to Papa Jim's or school or whereever to get online. But some note worthy things have been going on lately. Namely, the Brad Paisley concert. In a nut shell- Yeehaw boozed super fun! We went up to Sioux Falls just in time for the concert, got really drunk at the concert, and annoyed most of the people around us. (But we were havin' a hoot-n-hollerin' good time). Afterwards Avs and I went out with one of her buddies from high school, Nick Something-or-other. We went to a couple bars and then to a Fryin'Pan (definately need one of those in the SC!) By that time we were drunk and beat so we just crashed at his house. Other than that, lately we've discovered an untapped resource right in my own backyard! South Sioux City, NE! I know what you're thinking, "You've got to be kidding, right?" I'm absolutely not kidding. There's a whole city worth of new boys and bars and trouble to get into right down the street! Our favorite place so far is Fatty'z and Fatty'z Backside (a country bar). We've been spending time there w/ my best friend from high school, Ashley, her parents and the whole clan that goes with them. Even the after-bars are pretty fruitful, if you know what I mean. I remember when Alicia was back she asked Avs and I, "Don't you guys ever worry about running out of boys?" Well, before, yes, I did, but now that we've found a whole new oil geyser to use up like a true Bush, it'll be a while before it goes dry. The only down side is that the bars close 1 hour earlier there than in the SC, but that just gives you more time for after bar activities (heee heee heee).

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Gettin' our hick on! Yeee- Haawww!!

Tonight Avs and I are going to Sioux Falls to see Brad Paisley in concert. We've been waiting for this for a super long time and can hardly wait the rest of the day! Brad is performing with Terri Clark and Billy Currington, which should make it an awesome concert. We're staying with some guys that Avs knows from high school so we can stay and party afterwards. I'll post the nights on-goings at a later date. YEEE-HAAWWW!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Ripped off Laura's Blog, but still fun!

Try this to see what kinda of drunk you are. Sad, but that seriously is me.

You're a Wild Drunk

You can get enough drink. Seriously, you'll just go puke and start pounding them back again!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

A view from the car wash

Do I really want to know why this guy has blood all over his truck? Once again, this is not abnormal in the SC.

Monday, January 02, 2006

The New Sunday

Avs and I were wasting the good portion of today running around doing random, unnecessary shopping and eating. It was a generally good day but we noticed one frusterating thing. Monday is the new Sunday. There are a significant amount of businesses and government owned buildings that are closed on Monday. Didn't it used to be that everything was closed on Sunday? Makes sense, right? I mean it's the "sabbath", supposably. And it wasn't just that today is a made-up holiday. Here's short list of places we tried to go to that were closed today:
Botticelli's Restaurante Italiano
Iowa DOT @ MarketPlace
The Sioux City Art Center
a second hand/antiques store
Panda Palace
3 different Mexican restaurants

I'm sure there are more but those were the only ones that I noticed in the few short hours that we were out. I'm kind of baffled by this. Did businesses start accomodating to people's time restraints and start to be open on Sundays and then realized that they needed another day off but needed the weekend business and started closing on Mondays? This changes the whole system! The weekend is now split between Saturday and Monday! And what about people (like nurses) that have odd schedules and need Mondays to get things done? This screws up everything! I hope this doesn't escalate into the weekend being moved to Monday and Tuesday because that would piss a lot of people off! Imagine the chaos that would erupt! Bar specials on a Monday-Tuesday weekend would piss off a lot of bosses with hung over employees for 2/5 of the week. Church goers wouldn't be able to get to mass because they'd be at work and this would result in people losing faith and resulting in an increase in immorality and crime. Which would cost the tax payers and you know what happens when the gov't takes more of our money! I'm going overboard, but it still bothers me.