205 Million Dollars!
This Saturday's estimated Powerball jackpot is 205 MILLION dollars. This is obscene! But I am still, nonetheless, getting 5 tickets. I'm as much of a greedy sucker as anyone else. But this led me to think, "What would I do with 205 million dollars (granted, it's about 60% less after taxes)?" I'd have to say the first thing I would do is pay off my measly credit card debt. Then I'd quit nursing school. Yes, it is supposed to be a passion but who needs to work for soul fullfillment when you can buy it? Then I'd buy a house in Cinqua Terre, Italy, a little slice of heaven pie on Earth. After that, I would buy back Zort's Fireworks and make sure that it stays in our family. I'd also donate at least $10 Million to Alzheimer's research, dedicated to Gramps Zortman. I'd get AA drunk for a few years and then settle down with my not-so-brilliant model husband. Then I'd live happily ever after forever and ever. . .
. . . Oh, and I'd buy that pet midget I've always wanted.
What would you do?
We debated this very question at work today. #1 don't tell anyone and "test" your borderline friends before you claim your $$ to see if they're "real" friends #2 create exciting and fun ways to quit your job #3 buy an around the world plane ticket #4 take the big suite in the Queen Elizabeth II from NY to London #5 everything in your plan from buying the Italian house through the midget
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