Thursday, September 22, 2005

39 Days Til Halloween!

My life basically consists of studying and not a whole lot else. So, any chance I get to find a reason to slack off I jump for! My favorite holiday in the whole, great, big, obnoxious, loud, irritating world is approaching! Halloween! I need tomention that I hate holidays. All holidays. No exceptions. Except Halloween. When else do you have every right to get dressed up like a mentally challenged person on acid, get obscenely drunk, and be as naughty as you feel up to without getting in trouble for it?!? Ummm. . . Never! We don't have any fabulous plans yet or costume ideas but I'm sure we'll come up with something! Last year we said we'd all go as prophylactics: e.g.- Della Diaphragm, Polly Pull-out, Sally Sponge. etc. . . So maybe we'll do that. Who knows, I'll keep you posted.
Last Years' Halloween Fun
Joey and Gooey didn't dress up. Seriously.
Do Avs and I really need an explanation?
Tacky and Rowdy, what could be better?
A man who could teach you a thing or two, Kirk


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