Friday, June 10, 2005

Lyle J. Zortman 6/9/1910- 6/9/2005

Thursday morning my grandfather died. He was 95. This isn't the best way to start off a new blog but, its better than sitting in the kitchen with my entire family and listening to them hash out all of the details and try to get along for the sake of his memory. It's really bizarre to me that he died on his 95th birthday, but that's a Zortman for you. Always go out with a bang. Like my dad says, "This ain't dress rehearsal. So buy the expensive shampoo."

I'm sure there will be some interesting cat fights amongst the mafia-esque clan of Zortman women. We'll have full coverage of the weekends events only on this blog! So stay tuned! Brought to you by Zoloft and whatever brand of wine Aunt Jani has in her glass now. God I love my family!



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