Tuesday, December 20, 2005

I passed!

"I'm a freaking genius!" Now, imagine me saying that as if I'm whacked out Anna Nicole. That was my feeling today as I realized that, yes, I passed Nursing II and I don't have to become a pirate that has a daycare on board and walks dogs on the side. Though, that life is strangely tempting. Now wish me luck on my Dev. Psy. final. One more and I'm done for 27 days! 27 days of sleeping, Dog the Bounty Hunter, and booze. A much needed vacation! Maybe I"ll get some of that overdue roadtripping in, but that all depends on the funds or lack-there-of.


Blogger Alicia said...

Yay - how about a celebratory trip to Mpls?

12/20/2005 3:57 PM  

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