Saturday, October 22, 2005

On a more serious note

Lately in the local Sioux City Urinal, I mean Journal, there have been a more than necessary number of stories about sex offenders who's "rights" have been hindered. They are complaining that new laws restricting them from living in certain areas or even cities is forcing them to uproot and move to a strange place. There have been stories about convicted sex offenders that have supposedly been "rehabilitated" and endured treatment for their "sickness" for over 20 years that now have to move because of these laws. The Urinal is almost seemingly sympathetic to these convicts. It's nauseating. First of all, I don't believe these people can ever be fully rehabilitated. Someone as demented and twisted that could do these things to a child, molest someone or rape anyone has such a deep rooted evil that I believe they can never be "rehabilitated" to a functional, healthy member of society. I believe these people are like drug addicts, they may not do their drug of choice anymore but the urge will always be inside them, taunting them for just one last hit. Well here is my response to your complaints, you evil twisted fucks, I'm sorry if moving is inconvenient to you, but maybe defiling a virginal, innocent child or vulnerable woman or even man was inconvenient to them. Your punishment doesn't end when you get out of prison or off probation, it never ends. You made this decision all on your own, live with it. I hope it was worth it.

This is one article

See for yourselves. Feel free to disagree with me.


Blogger Alicia said...

I couldn't agree more. I'd say at least 90% of sexual offenders will repeat their offense once they're out of jail - certain offenses should be an automatic life sentence because it's not a question of if, but when, they'll do it again. Plus, your actions will affect your victim for the rest of their life, a little inconvenience on your part is getting no sympathy from this girl.

10/23/2005 8:44 AM  
Blogger Della said...

Yeah, it sucks when your 16 yo girlfriend's 'rents hate you and press charges. But it's still against the law. If you can't keep it in your pants for a year until she's older then you have no self control. I agree that this isn't as offensive as those who molest or rape, but it's still illegal, like it or not.

10/24/2005 8:14 AM  

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