Thursday, November 17, 2005

Two Points of Business

Two points of business need to be addressed in today's blogging.
Point of Business #1:
If I do end up flunking out of Nursing II (there is a gravely serious chance that I may) I have something to fall back on. I was talking to my BFF (no, I'm not really 14y.o., but, yes, I did say BFF), Carin, and balling my eyes out and being the amazing best friend that she is, she pointed a few things out to me.
1) That you are supposed to base your profession on what you love to do.
2) That the three things I love to do more than anything in the whole world are playing with kids, puppies and going boating.
3) If nursing fails, then I can always fall back on being a professional pirate with a day care aboard ship who walks dogs on the side for a living.
I feel SO much better now that I have that settled!

Point of Business #2
Ms. Aviry Renae Truhe and I were watching her favorite show, Jeopardy: the College Edition, today and noted two things: that the college boy who keeps winning, Nico, is a serious patotie (as in Hottie Patotie) and that we knew almost every answer they knew and we didn't get study guides and we are both college flunkies/Community College educated. They need Jeopardy: the Drunken Years or College Flunkies. It would have catagories such as "The Drugs You Did", "Things You Did Instead of Going to Class", "Spring Break Shananagans", "Posting Bail In Different States", "The Walk of Shame", "It's Only a Felony If They Catch You", "Ways to Force Alcohol Into Your Body", and for math wizards "Probabilities Of Getting Busted". That would be more interesting.


Blogger Laura said...

You say patotie? I thought only Rosie O'Donnell said that word...

PS The Drunken Years is the best idea ever.

11/17/2005 5:44 PM  
Blogger Della said...

I make it a point to NOT watch anything Rosie O'Donnell does so I have no idea if she says that. I'm pretty sure that I said it first though, even if I didn't, I say it better.

11/18/2005 8:39 AM  

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